The Best Compliments!
Two posts in one week!?! Crazy, I know, but I had to share this. We had a group of youth athletes from our Pre-Elite team relay a local...
Fury Athlete of the Month: Tyler Luce
. Our July spotlight athlete of the month is Tyler Luce. Tyler is a founding member of the Fury Tri Team and has been training and racing...
May Athlete of the Month: Caden Davis
Our spotlight athlete of the month is Caden Davis. Caden is a founding member of the Fury Tri Team and has been training and racing with...
Welcome Coach Susan
We are incredibly excited to OFFICIALLY announce the addition of Coach Susan to our Fury Tri Team coaching staff. You have probably seen...
Fury Tri Team is so much more than just racing, and we are finding an even greater Reason2Race!!!
The Fury Tri Team started out as a way for a few young kids to have a support network at races, as well as to have friends to train with....
Newbie Youth Training (Part 3)
At this point, you have found a race and registered (or at least decided to start training with your athlete). You have the proper...
Getting Started in Youth Tri (Part 2)
You have found a race or two that look like something you (or your child) are interested in, and you want to give it a whirl. What in...
Why Tri? (Part 1)
Even though triathlon is one of the fastest growing sports around, many people have never been exposed to it, or have only been seen big...
Happy New Year!!!
I hope everyone had a happy holiday season and is having a fantastic start to the New Year. We are so excited for the 2016 triathlon...
Less Name, More Team!
After having such a wonderful couple of seasons as the Fit and Fun Fury Triathlon Team and practicing seasonally, we have a very exciting...